Casino Felt Ordering

Below is the contact information for our felt maker. He works 11-5 CST. If you needs a new felt. Give Casino Supply a call, tell them you are with Breakout Games, and you need to order felts. They have all of our latest proofs in their system and will help you out. For ease of billing you with have to create an account with Jonathon, give him your credit card, and let him know which felts you need.

As for installation it is pretty easy. You will need a heavy duty stapler and several sets of hands. I would suggest installing it over your old felt. From there everything should be pretty straight forward. If you have questions feel free to submit a ticket.

Jonathon Kimbrell
Casino Supply Co.
phone 800 789-2101
fax 800 789-2101
address 2416 Walnut Ridge St. Dallas, TX 75229