Replacing Books for Riddle (other than last 6 words)

  • First, write the words on the bottom of the books using a black Sharpie. It's easiest to hold the book shut with one hand to keep the pages flush and even while writing the words for the riddle on the bottom. Next, pour Mod Podge into a plastic bin that is large enough to dip in the pages of the book with the spine facing up. Using a small foam brush, open the book to the middle and lather both pages with Mod Podge. Close the book, and fold both covers back so that you can hold open the book with one hand. Dip the pages in the vat of Mod Podge, and rotate the book slightly to allow the Mod Podge to seep into the pages. Lift the book from the mixture, and use the foam brush to remove excess Mod Podge from the outside spine of the book, as well as the front and back inside cover pages. Use the brush to evenly apply the Mod Podge to the whole outside spine of the book so that there is an even coat all the way around. Finally, brush Mod Podge on both the inside and outside covers. Place the book on a towel, and get a heavy object to sit on top of the book. Allow the book to dry over several hours, if not overnight. Repeat this process with every book in the set.