Operation: Casino


  • Glue together blackjack hands mirroring the felt, just a dab of super glue in the corner of the cards works really well!

    • Q-6-2

    • 8-4-3

    • J-6

    • J-5-5

    • 10-4-3

France Chip:

  1. Using metal file, shave down the pin off the of the France flag.

    • If necessary, use a drill bit with a diameter larger than that of the pin, and hollow out the coin enough for the flag pin to sit flatly against the face of the coin (making sure to not go fully through the coin).

  2. Glue to the horseshoe side of good luck token.

Roulette Wheel:

  1. Write numbers in pink black light marker on roulette wheel:

    • 32=J

    • 5=H

    • 23=R

    • 28=E

  2. Write random letters on all other spaces.

    • If you lightly blow air on the letters as you write them, it will help the ink dry evenly and help the letters to become more defined.


Set wall safe for High Roller Alias code “95250800”

  1. Insert batteries, press hidden button that is usually near battery pack, type “95250800” then #.

  2. Test code the with door open to ensure that the code will work

    • *If there are any questions, consult the user’s manual

Set wall safe for card map code “351364”

  1. Insert batteries, press hidden button that is usually near battery pack, type “351364” then #.

  2. Test code the with door open to ensure that the code will work

    • *If there are any questions, consult the user’s manual

Secret Table Compartments:

If your doors are having a difficult time releasing once the code has been activated, purchase and install these cabinet poppers. These help the door spring open once the magnet has been released!

Jack's Eye:

  1. With the new canvas, double check that the cork board backing (if any exists) has been drilled through before installing it on the wall. This will allow the light of the laser to pass through the canvas, but it will not pass through the cork board.

    • Make sure to not drill through the canvas itself during this process.

  2. Place the canvas in the exact same position as the old canvas in order to ensure that the eye matches up with the sensor.

  3. Test the coin drop. If the laser is not triggering the sensor, attempt to move the canvas until it works.

Wall Acrylic:

If the acrylic that the Paris canvas map slides behind needs to be replaced:

  1. Take down the current acrylic and lie it on top of the replacement. Both acrylics should line up in the same orientation that it will hang on the wall.

  2. Use a sharpie to mark the hole locations through the old acrylic's holes onto the replacement. The goal is to drill the holes in the exact same location.

  3. Match up the size of the drill bit for the bolt holes (most likely 3/16”). Hold the old acrylic in place over the new replacement and drill slowly into the hole locations, without much downward force into the acrylic, making sure that it doesn’t crack as you drill.

  4. This should make a perfect match with the old acrylic, and allow the new one to fit perfectly in the same position as the old!


If your slot machine is having difficulties, you can call the Slot Machine Support Line: (937) 260-3987, and they should be able to walk you through how to reset and/or fix the machine!