Runaway Train

Replacing the Guerrilla Warfare Book:

1. On the front page of the book, write the following:

To my dear,

I've joked about "Guerrilla Warfare" since we've met, and thought this might keep your spirits high. Please remember my role as a woman; your transport is within my confidence...



2. On page 86, underline the word "money" (it's on the fourth row from the bottom of the page, second to last word of the line".

3. Starting from the front of the book, try and find other 5 letter words to underline every few pages or so to disguise the importance of the word "money" on page 86.

Replacing the Bill Carol ID card:

If you need to replace the entire card and set a new code for the new card's frequency, simply type on the keypad #123456, #1, and then hold the card up to the keypad. It should beep, and you can test that it works by trying the card on the keypad before placing the sticker on the card.