Undercover Alley

Repainting the top of the Toolbox

Paint the following image on the top of the tool box using white paint. Make sure images are large enough to discern, and space out the images enough so that the hasp is in between the images (designating the code on the lock). Once the white paint is dry, apply matte clear enamel (lightly) to the top of the tool box.

Replacing Cat Food Bowl

  1. Purchase a white paint pen similar to this one: https://www.amazon.com/Uchida-315-C-0-Chisel-Acrylic-Marker/dp/B0050FCJP4/ref=sxts_b2b_sx_reorder?cv_ct_cx=white+paint+pen&dchild=1&keywords=white+paint+pen&pd_rd_i=B0050FCJP4&pd_rd_r=fce63a3f-c61f-47be-a8e3-bd9d24b8f9ba&pd_rd_w=IMDsc&pd_rd_wg=FdQOs&pf_rd_p=55e3f870-f610-46d5-a6bd-2adc9a5c4c7c&pf_rd_r=0RJMRD0EJM4K1XW4WDBJ&qid=1606857326&s=office-products&sr=1-1-f5ebfd8e-82c1-4b4e-97d5-2aa47aa18b69

  2. Make sure to get the pen started, and then write the word GIZMO on the side of the bowl between two of the cat images. Once the paint has dried, I recommend spraying a matte clear enamel lightly over the paint.

Repainting Trash Can Lid

Paint the following image below on the trash can lid. Once all paint has dried, use a matte clear enamel to lightly coat the surface of the trash can lid and allow to fully dry.

Replacing Gauges in the Sewer Pressure Clue

Using a very small flathead screwdriver, gently pry the gauge cover away from the gauge body in 3-4 places. Using the same screwdriver, flip the gauge over, and gently pry the cover plate away from the glass. Be very carely and pry away lightly, as the glass is very easily broken. Once the gauge cover and glass have been removed, insert flathead screwdriver into gear box, which will allow you to move the gauge needle more easily. Once the desired gauge pressure reading has been set (55, 30, 90, 45), use super glue to make sure that the gauges are firmly glued in place. Allow the glue to dry overnight, as the dissipation from the glue drying can fog the glass.

Replacing Bean Bags

Using a white paint pen, write “Use For Powerline Maintenance” on the bean bags, being very careful to write clearly (it can be difficult to cover up any mistakes when writing with the paint pen!). This may take multiple passes, as the fabric absorbs the paint rather well. Allow ample time to dry, and then use grommet kit to make grommets in the bags. First, shake the beans out of one of the corners where you will place the grommet. Then, on a scrap piece of wood, use the black punch-out tool to create a hole through both sides of the bean bag. Then, use the large grommet insert (the larger ring that has a longer protrusion side), and insert that into the side of the bag where the writing is. This will allow for a very nice finished side of the bean bag. Next, use a bead a super glue to go all around the protrusion from the grommet insert that should be sticking through the backside of the bean bag. Place the flat washer part onto the protrusion. You will now need the small silver ring part to seat thelarge grommet insert on the finished side, and the longer silver punch tool that will flatten the protrusion. Use your hammer again on your scrap piece of wood and hit the bottom of the silver punch tool until the protrusion is completely flat. This will shut the hole and finish the grommeting process!

Replacing Plants for Alley

You will need to purchase the green foam: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001681RS4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1# This foam sheet should be good for 6 total plants.

You will also need to purchase these planters: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07T1YLWCZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I recommend placing the foam down on a nice, smooth surface, and then placing the planter over the top. You will need to hammer down the planter over the foam, making sure to only hit the planter on the ridges. I would also recommend hitting the ridges of the bottom of the planter in a circular fashion so that the foam is set into the planter evenly. Hit the planter down onto the foam until the foam is nice and flush with the top of the planter. I would then place the flowers down into the foam.

I have also heard that it has been helpful to attach a string from the planters to the wall so that the planters don't hit the ground when they are knocked away by the rocks. For this, I would recommend drilling a hold in the back of the planter, and tying a knot on the inside of the planter so that the string cannot escape from the inside of the planter. Then, I would cut the string to the desired length (that knocking away the planter will reveal the number, but not hit the ground), and tie the other end of the string to something against the wall (maybe and eye hook). After this, I would just use the same process above for placing the foam in the planter.