Construction Request Items

Continue to use Discord for small things, ideas, paint colors, random questions, or to see how others have fixed or done things in the rooms. However, if something is broken or looks in poor repair, submit a request. If one store looks bad, it makes every store look bad. Customers should have the same game experience at every location, so if one part of the game is in disrepair, submit a request!

If one of the following is broken or needs to be repaired or replaced, please send an email to following the format below.

  • A prop that cannot be easily replaced through Amazon (bar drop, hand drop, Pharaoh's shadow box, Heist air panels, etc.)

  • Doors and magnets

  • Wall panels

  • Keypads

  • Actuators

  • Casino felts

  • Any random fixtures or items in the room that you cannot replace

Email Format:

  • Subject: "Location - Room"

    • If the problem is game-breaking or if the work around takes out a big clue, put URGENT in the subject line.

      • ex. "URGENT - Greensboro - Museum Heist"

  • Describe the issue in as much detail as possible

  • List ALL steps you've taken to fix the problem

  • Attach pictures that support your description of the problem